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The memorable Presidential Award 2019

வெள்ளத்தனைய மலர் நீட்டம் –
மாந்தர்தம் உள்ளத்தனையதுயர்வு.”  - திருவள்ளுவர்

“As the length of water plants increases with the level of water, so the heights reached by you vary with your will.”

            I was reminded of this couplet by Thiruvalluvar when I witnessed the regal Presidential Award Winners of 2019 seated impressively in the Ambedhkar International Centre, New Delhi waiting with bated breath to be felicitated by Shri Anurag Thukur, the hon’ble Minister of State for Finance on the 27th of January 2020, the day after the 71st Republic Day 2020.
            I was fortunate and lucky enough that my spouse, Krishnamachari Srinivasan, Assistant Commissioner, Goods & Service Tax, Chennai North Commissionerate, Chennai is one of the 46 Presidential awardees who had been selected under the category of “extraordinary devotion to duty and specially distinguished record of service” for the year 2019.  He is being bestowed with this award for his meritorious service in propagating and elucidating GST throughout the length and breadth of India since its initiation in the year 2018.  Incidentally, GST was rolled out on the 1st July, 2017. 
            The pomp and splendour with which the entire Investiture Ceremony panned out has to be seen to be believed.  It all started in December 2019 when the Notification was issued publishing the names of the 46 personnel who have been selected for receiving the prestigious Presidential Award for distinguished service during the year 2019.  And was I delighted to find my spouse’s name there !!!!!!!!!!!!!  We all went up in raptures at the very prospect of him being honoured in the name of the First Person of India, the President.  And more so since he superannuated from service in the month of May 2020.  He was extremely lucky to be at the right place at the right time with the right persevering attitude. 

            I would like to recount the entire process since the Government of India has been extremely respectful and reverential from the minute we landed at the Indira Gandhi International Airport on the 24th January 2020 till we boarded the flight back to Chennai on 27th January 2020.  This respect and reverence applies to each and every single one of the 46 Presidential awardees and their family members.  We were treated like royalty.   
            The minute I set foot on the Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi alongwith my spouse Srinivasan Krishnamachari, there was a Protocol Officer there waiting to receive the awardee with a name board and a sedan.  We were then driven to the most elegant Hotel for our stay.  After we had rested and refreshed ourselves, he was back to accompany us and show us round our prestigious Capital and its important spots.  Since the 71st Republic Day 2020 was just round the corner, the entire New Delhi was all decorated and adorned with zeal, patriotism and of course, the Tricolour everywhere.  What a spectacle of devotion and patriotism to our great Motherland India.  None can surpass us Indians in patriotism  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The great saint Thiruvalluvar had carved out this couplet in no time.  However, I was witness to the perseverance, labour, devotion and ceaseless work that my spouse put in to make this couplet come true in his own life. 

            Mr.Srinivasan Krishnamachari is an Assistant Commissioner of GST since 2014.  In his career spanning over 36 years, he has been honoured with any number of awards and medals for his excellent performance.  Goods and Service Tax was rolled out on the 1st July 2017.  Through his unfailing interest and perseverance, my husband delved deep into the myriad clauses and rules underlying the GST reforms.  He managed to establish himself as a “Master Trainer”of the GST reforms.  Till date, he has managed to train and impart knowledge on the intricacies of the ACT to about 25,000 Central Government officials, Chartered Accountants, ICWAs and Company Secretaries.  He has been the face of GST and acted as a bridge between the Department and the Trade and Industry in the successful implementation of GST. He has played a commendable role in initiating GST awareness through hundreds of his live seminars, Presentations and articles in both print and electronic media targeting Trade Chambers, schools, colleges and universities across the state and over AIR and Doordarshan. Consistent and exceptional performance in diverse fields of work, role modelling and mentoring officers throughout his career has made him richly deserve the “Presidential Medal of
Appreciation for specially distinguished record of service, 2019”.
 He is one among the 46 awardees selected in 2019 out of a total workforce running into a lakh or more throughout India.

            A rehearsal for the actual Investiture Ceremony on 27th January 2020 was slated for the 25th January 2020 at the prestigious Ambedhkar International Centre.  Since the rehearsals went on for nearly two hours, sumptuous tea and snacks had been arranged for the awardees and their families.  After filling our stomachs, we were again provided with our vehicles to go site seeing around New Delhi.
The awardees were also provided VIP passes for the Republic Day 2020 parade.  The fervour and patriotism with which each individual there was swelling should be seen to be believed.  Entire New Delhi was adorned with a celebratory mood.  We were so overwhelmed to physically be a part of it.  After the parade, we went around visiting a few friends and various memorable places and returned home to once again a well planned and executed dinner.

      At 9 a.m. on “D”Day, we left for the Ambedhkar International Centre. The whole Centre had been tastefully and beautifully done up with flower arrangement and lights.  Not only the awardees, but the families of awardees were provided with a special VIP Bay to sit and view the proceedings.  And watch it !!!!!!!!!!!!! Every awardee was seated in a separate chair bearing his name and designation.

     The Minister of State for Finance, Shri Anurag Singh Takkur arrived around 10 a.m. and the proceedings started.  The Minister of State, the Chairman, Central Board of Indirect Taxes, Member (Customs), CBIC (It was International Customs Day 2020 also) were seated on the dias.

      After the welcome address, the Member (Customs) addressed the gathering bringing out the significance and importance of Customs role in country.  This was followed by the speeches of the Chairman, CBIC and the Revenue Secretary who drew out the importance of both GST and the Customs branches in Nation building activities. This was followed by a meaningful short film titled “Customs and its role in sustainability”.  Shri Anuraag Siingh Thakkur then addressed the gathering.  What stood out in his participation was the fact that inspite of his busy and compelling schedule, he took time out to happily celebrate the awardees. And his speech was candid and simple but drawing out and appreciating all the intricate details and nuances of both GST and Customs.

             Soon after his address, the first three awardees were from J & K and North East Provinces where they had performed life saving feats at risk of their own lives.  Then came the Presidential Award Winners of GST and Central Excise.  As each awardee’s name was announced, you could see his achievements and feats and excellence pan out as a documentary behind him on the screen till his exit after receiving the award.

             When my spouse, Krishnamachari Srinivasan’s name was announced, my ecstatic daughter let out a loud cheer.  After pin drop silence for a minuite, the entire auditorium erupted into loud cheers and applause.  It was indeed an emotional moment. And the star on the crown was that the hon’ble Minister patiently and smilingly waited till all the cheers subsided and presented him with the award. I’m mentioning this incident here because it is a small example of the extra mile that our Central Government is willing to go to showcase its respect and reverence for those individuals who are excelling by their sheer hard labour and perseverance.   

Once the Investiture Ceremony drew to a close, the hon’ble Minister, the VIPs, the awardees and their families were escorted to a VIP enclosure for high tea.  The candid and cheerful countenance and interaction of the Minister with all around and the casual way in which he smilingly obliged to all photo shoots was refreshing and exhilarating.
            One more interesting detail here is that both my husband, Mr.Srinivasan and his colleague Shri Srivatsan, Superintendent (Presidential Medal awardee) were both felicitated by the prestigious and legendary Delhi Tamil Sangam on the evening of the memorable Republic Day 2020 for their meritorious achievement in winning the award and also because both of them were from Tamilnadu.
            Another noteworthy aspect is that all expenditure for transport, accommodation and food for all the 46 Presidential Appreciation for specially distinguished record of service, 2019 awardees was completely borne by the Central Government.  It was their way of reflecting their gratitude for the awardees’ service to the nation.

            Once all the felicitations and functions drew to a close, we headed towards the New Delhi Airport only after profusely thanking the officer Shri Mohit, Inspector who had accompanied us throughout the four days we were there and ensured that we were comfortable and happy.  At that moment, there was only joy, happiness and pride dancing in our hearts.

            “No country can excel mine” was the line ringing in my lips and my heart as we headed back home with pride and a wee bit of arrogance.
            The Chennai Edition of “Thinamani” of 28.01.2020 did us doubly proud by publishing a photo and a half a page n article about all the six Tamil Nadu Presidential Appreciation Awardees.
            My only sadness was that it being such a prestigious and noble award, it would have given us and the Government great pride if only it had been presented by the hon’ble President himself.  Atleast the hon’ble Finance Minister could have filled in the gap.  That would have raised the benchmark of not only the award but the Central Government as well.  This is my humble opinion.
            This is one occasion and incident that will be etched in our minds and memory forever and for time immemorial.


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